Commercial Space for Rent in Bahrain

1 of 35, 818 Result
Commercial Shops and offices for rent Shop, supermarket, restaurants and residential complex. Commercial buildings for rent
Apartment For Rent Villas and Houses for Rent Furnished Apartments for Rent Commercial Space for Rent Chalets for Rent Shared Accommodation - Roommate Farms for Rent Offices for Rent
Riffa Southern Governorate Northern Governorate Muharraq Manama Central Governorate Land for rent in Salamaniya near Salamaniya hospital BD 2/- Per Sqm This land is located in Salamaniya near Salmaniya hospital. 2400 sqm Available for leasing. Land Covered with Bound (...)

Manama2,400 Meter Storage Space ( 200 Sqm ) for rent in Al Musallah Near Jidhafs Area BD.400/- only. This Storage Space is located in Jidhafs, near Al musallah , having 200 sqm area with 3 Phase EWA, W (...)

400 BHD
Manama200 Meter Workshop Store (700 Sqm) for Rent in Hamala BD.1400/- This Workshop is located in Hamala Near Highway having 700 sqm area, 3 phase EWA , Can use CR height, Suitable for All types Of w (...)

1,400 BHD Workshop Store (1150 Sqm) for Rent in Hamala BD.2300/- This Workshop is located in Hamala Near Highway having 1150 sqm area, 3 phase EWA , Can use CR , Suitable for All types Of works (...)

2,300 BHD
Northern Governorate1,150 Meter Workshop Store (300 Sqm) for Rent in Hamala BD.600/- This Workshop is located in Hamala Near Highway having 300 sqm area, 3 phase EWA , Can use CR , Suitable for All types Of workshop (...)

600 BHD Land Store Accommodation for Rent in Hamala BD.350/- This Land located in Hamala Near Highway. Land Area is -370 Sqm, Store-60 Sqm,7 Rooms, 11 Bathrooms, Kitchen etc. Rent BD.350/- pe (...)

350 BHD 2 Shutter Commercial Shop (53+37Sqm) for Rent in Salmabad near highway BD.325/- This Commercial Shop located in Salmabad Prime location.53 sqm area, 37Sqm Mezzanine Floor, Ready to us (...)

325 BHD LD Land for rent in Salmabad Near highway 0.500 Fils Per Sqm This Light Industrial land is located in Salmabad near Highway. Land Area 1700 sqm Available for Long period leasing. Can (...)

850 BHD
Central Governorate1,700 Meter Land for rent in Dumistan near Hamadtown 0.500 Fils Per Sqm This land is located in Dumistan near Hamadtown, 5000 sqm Available for Long period leasing. EWA Facilities Available. Boun (...)

2,500 BHD
Northern Governorate5,000 Meter

Factory / Workshop / Warehouse for leasing in Hamala BD.13,000/- This very spacious commercial unit is located in Hamala area, suitable for any manufacturing / workshop / warehouse activities. Total area is 8360 Sqm, con (...)

13,000 BHD
Manama8,360 Meter

Land for lease in Seef area, behind petrol station BD.2/- per sqm This land is located in Seef area, behind Petrol station, size is 555 sqm, classified as BC -investments, corner land . easy access to Seef Mall, City Cen (...)

Manama555 Meter

ورشه صناعيه للايجار في الهمله بالقرب من اسكراب المصطفي مساحه الورشه 120متر مربع تصلح لجميع الانشطه التجاريه والصناعيه مع وجود مكان لوقوف السيارات امام الورشه مطلوب للايجار 280دينار بدون الكهرباء An industrial workshop fo (...)

280 BHD

#للايجار ورشه صنايه للايجار في مدينه حمد في منطقه الهمله بالقرب من سكراب المصطفي مساحه الورشه 120 متر مربع تصلح الورشه لجميع الانشطه التجاريه والصناعيه مع وجود مكتب اداري داخل الورشه مطلوب للايجار 280 دينار بدون الكهرباء (...)

280 BHD

#For rent, a commercial store suitable for all commercial activities in Ras Rumman, near Al Manama Pharmacy and Beit Al Shaar. The shop has an area of 3*7 square meters. It is required to rent 150 dinars without electric (...)

150 BHD
Manama20 Meter

للإيجار محل في الدراز المساحة 3x6 مترمربع المطلوب 100 دينار فقط 39993932 مسار المستقبل للعقارات مطلوب جميع العقارات من المالك مباشرة #محل_للايجار #مكتب_للايجار #عقارات

100 BHD

Commercial Shop with Mezzanine for Rent in Tubli BD.300/- This shop is located in tubli useful for any activities like workshop, restaurant, banking services etc. ground floor 40 sqm and mezzanine 30 sqm , near mazda sho (...)

300 BHD
Manama40 Meter

Workshop for Rent in Salmabad BD.1500/- This workshop is located in Salmabad, prime location , suitable for any workshop, 3 phase EWA , office, labour accommodation etc. area is 750 Sqm, rent is BD.1500/- per month . Eas (...)

1,500 BHD
Manama750 Meter Wokshop Garage store ( 525 Sqm ) for rent in Tubli BD.1200/- only This Workshop Garage is located in Tubli near Toyota Plaza. having 525 sqm area with 3 Phase EWA, Office, Washroom, P (...)

Central Governorate525 Meter

Commercial Space ( 130 Sqm ) for rent in Tubli, near Mazda Service Centre BD.290/- This commercial space is mezzanine floor located in Tubli area, having spacious open space around 130 sqm, there is 2 bath rooms, 3 phase (...)

290 BHD
Manama130 Meter

Commercial Space Office for Rent in Tubli BD.150/- This commercial Flat is located in Tubli, prime location, near Mazda Service center. Consist of 1 room, spacious hall, pantry area, bath room, balconey etc. can use CR a (...)

150 BHD
Manama100 Meter

Workshop with Office in Tubli BD.1300/- This commercial space is located in tubli, near Mazda Service Center , having 664 sqm area , ground 504 Sqm ( 14 x 36 ) mezzanine 160 Sqm ( 16 x 10 ) , 3 phase EWA , wash rooms,can (...)

1,300 BHD
Manama600 Meter

Factory / Workshop / Warehouse for leasing in Hamala BD.13,000/- This very spacious commercial unit is located in Hamala area, suitable for any manufacturing / workshop / warehouse activities. Total area is 8360 Sqm, con (...)

13,000 BHD
Manama8,360 Meter

Commercial Shop ( 164 Sqm ) for Rent in Raszuwaid BD.500/- This commercial shop is located in Ras Zuwaid, Opp.ALBA, near Nesto Super Market , area is 164 sqm, including Mezzanine Floor . 3 phase EWA , can use any CR for (...)

500 BHD
Riffa164 Meter

Commercial shop with mezzanine for rent in Tubli BD.450/- This commercial property is located in Tubli, prime location, each unit is 2 shutter, 140 sqm including mezzanine floor, 3 phase EWA, can use any CR address, ambi (...)

450 BHD
Manama140 Meter

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