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- Mobile application design website design and development Tech Soft
Mobile application design website design and development Tech Soft
نشر بتاريخ 2023-12-12 8:02 AM
Tec Soft gas developed more than 300 Apps ( petroleum services Apps - selling clothes by weight Apps - selling aluminum sections by weight Apps - car wash services Apps - washing clothes and carpets Apps ) in many countries of the world, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, Bahrain, Turkey, Iraq and others . Tec Soft has a distinguished and professional team work, and a highly trained team of a programming engineers, maintenance engineers and technicians who are working from the company headquarter using the latest techniques . Now... with Tech Soft for smart solutions ... Own a mobile application (Android and iPhone) for your own business or company. Tec Soft also specialize in designing and developing websites and designing of motion graphic videos. Tec Soft ------------------- SMART Solutions for SMART Business Inside Egypt call us on 01277773580 Outside Egypt call us on 00201277773580 WhatsApp us on https://wa.me/+201277773580 Email us on tec.soft.smart@gmail.com Our website https://tec-soft.net/en/ Youtube channel of Tech Soft https://www.youtube.com/@-tecsoft Instagram page of Tech Soft https://www.instagram.com/techsoftsmartapps/