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- Mobile application development website development Tech Soft
Mobile application development website development Tech Soft
نشر بتاريخ 2023-12-07 8:17 AM

تواصل مع المعلن لمعرفة السعر
Now... with Tech Soft for smart solutions ... Own a mobile application (Android and iPhone) for your own business or company. Mobile Applications development (Android - iPhone), websites . Tec Soft is Specialized in specialized in mobile applications development ( petroleum services Apps - selling clothes by weight Apps - selling aluminum sections by weight Apps - car wash services Apps - washing clothes and carpets Apps ). Tec Soft has a distinguished and professional team work, and a very distinguished Previous works in many countries of the world, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, UAE, Turkey and others. Tec Soft also specialize in designing and programming websites and designing motion graphic videos. Tec Soft ------------------- SMART Solutions for SMART Business Inside Egypt call us on 01277773580 Outside Egypt call us on 00201277773580 WhatsApp us on https://wa.me/+201277773580 Email us on tec.soft.smart@gmail.com Our website https://tec-soft.net/en/ Youtube channel of Tech Soft https://www.youtube.com/@-tecsoft Instagram page of Tech Soft https://www.instagram.com/techsoftsmartapps/