اراضي للبيع في المنامة

3 من 20 ، 470 إعلان
أرض سكنية للبيع ومميزة ذات اطلالات خلابه ومساحات واسعة
شقق للبيع فلل و بيوت للبيع محلات للبيع شاليهات و استراحات للبيع اراضي للبيع مزارع للبيع مجمعات و عمارات تجارية مجمعات و مشاريع سكنية مكاتب للبيع
الرفاع المحافظة الجنوبية المحافظة الشمالية المحرق المنامة محافظة الوسطى
Residential ( RA ) Land for Sale in Hamad Town Round Abt. 12
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Residential ( RA ) Land for Sale in Hamad Town Round Abt. 12 BD.25/- per foot This residential land is located in Hamad Town, Malkiya area near petrol station, round abt. 12 , classified as RA , land area is 525.8 sqm. S (...)

25 دينار
المنامة526 متر
Commercial Land for Sale in Galali
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Commercial Land for Sale in Galali BD.35/- Per Foot This property is located in Galali, near the highway , land area is 515.5 sqm, classified as B3* can use for multi purpose building , prime location, easy to dilmunia, (...)

35 دينار
المنامة516 متر
Investment Land BD for sale in Um Alhassam
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Investment Land BD for sale in Um Alhassam BD.60/- per foot This Investment land is located in the main commercial area in Bahrain, Um Alhassam , land area is 1520 sqm , classified as BD, Residential or Commercial buildi (...)

60 دينار
المنامة1,520 متر
Residential land  RA for sale in Saar Maqaba
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Residential land ( RA ) for sale in Saar, Maqaba BD.30/- per foot This exclusive land is located in Saar area, near St.Christopher British School, Maqaba, RA Classifications can built 3 storey residential Villa , land ar (...)

30 دينار
المنامة355 متر
Residential land ( RA ) for sale in Saar Maqaba
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Residential land ( RA ) for sale in Saar, Maqaba BD.30/- per foot This exclusive land is located in Saar area, near St.Christopher British School, Maqaba, RA Classifications can built 3 storey residential Villa , land ar (...)

30 دينار
المنامة364 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

https://wa.me/message/63HWYMMPVNT6G1 Residential RB Land for sale in Sadad, behind Reef Mall BD.23/- per foot Residential land for sale in Sadad, Hamad Town, behind Reef Mall, Sadad having two road, corner . Land area is (...)

23 دينار
المنامة515 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Investment Land for Sale in Seef, near City centre BD.60/- per foot This investment property is located in Seef, prime location , near city centre, water garden city, reef island. Land area is 2205 Sqm , classified as BB (...)

60 دينار
المنامة2,205 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Investment Land for Sale in Janabiya BD.33/- per foot This investment property is located in janabiya, near Al Mercado Mall, prime location , two road corner, land area is 636 Sqm, classified as BD, can built commercial (...)

33 دينار
المنامة636 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Investment Land for Sale in Janabiya BD.27/- per foot This investment property is located in Janabiya, near Al Mercado mall, land area is 550 Sqm , classified as BD-investments , can built residential or commercial build (...)

27 دينار
المنامة550 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Residential RB Land for Sale in Tubli, near Walkway BD.26/- per foot This property is located in Tubli, near Walkway area, Opp.Hassan Mahmoud Centre , land area is 509 Sqm, classified as RB , can built 3 storey residenti (...)

26 دينار
المنامة509 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

B3 Mixed Use Land for Sale in Tubli, behind Ansar Gallery BD.22/- per foot This property is located in Tubli, behind ansar gallery , prime location. Zonal is B3, can built residential or commercial 3 storey building , la (...)

22 دينار
المنامة744 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

B3 Land for sale in Seef , 3 side road and sea view BD.55/- per foot This land is located in Seef area, sea side having 3 side road and classified as B3 , land area is 1468 sqm , we are offering BD.55/- per sqf, total wi (...)

55 دينار
المنامة1,468 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Investment Land ( BD 6 storey ) for Sale in Janabiya BD.36/- per foot This investment land is located in Janabiya, near Mercado Mall, Atrium Mall , KSA Causeway can built 6 storey Residential or commercial building . Lan (...)

36 دينار
المنامة616 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Residential land ( RA ) for sale in Saar, Maqaba BD.30/- per foot This exclusive land is located in Saar area, near St.Christopher British School, Maqaba, RA Classifications, can built 3 storey residential Villa , land a (...)

30 دينار
المنامة365 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 4 شهور

Residential land for sale in Buqwa, near Jablat Hebshi BD.31/- per foot This residential plot is located in Buqwa, prime location, near Jablat Hebshi, area is 457 Sqm, classified as RB, suitable for Residential Villa or (...)

31 دينار
المنامة457 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 5 شهور

للبيع مبنى تجاري في القضيبية على شارعين زاوية للتواصل 35309663

1 دينار
المنامة382 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 5 شهور

Residential Corner Land ( RB ) for Sale in Budhaiya BD.97500/- This residential corner land is located in prime location of Budhaiya , behind Bahrain Post can built villa/ building . Land area is 324 Sqm we are offering (...)

97,500 دينار
المنامة324 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 5 شهور

Residential land ( RB ) for sale in Saar, near St.Christopher School BD.31/- per foot This exclusive land is located in Saar area, near St.Christopher British School, RB Classifications,can built 3 storey residential Apa (...)

31 دينار
المنامة514 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 5 شهور

B3 Mixed use Land for Sale in Tubli BD.16/- per foot This investment land is located in Tubli, near Ansar Gallery, prime location. Suitable for 3 storey residential or commercial building , land area is 2115.8 Sqm, we ar (...)

16 دينار
المنامة2,116 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 6 شهور

Residential Land for Sale in Jid Ali, near Jurdab BD.31/- Per Foot This residential property is located in Jid Ali, very good residential area , near Jurdab . Classified as RA , suitable for luxury villa , land area is 4 (...)

31 دينار
المنامة402 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 6 شهور

B 4 Plot for Sale in Janabiya , near Al Mercado Mall BD.38/- per foot This Commercial plot is located in janabiya, near Al Mercado Mall, land area is 373 sqm, classified as B4 , suitable for multi purpose 4 storey buildi (...)

38 دينار
المنامة373 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 6 شهور

للبيع أرض في عالي تقع على شارع 34 مباشرة وتقع على شارعين المساحة 1224 مترمربع المطلوب 22 دينار للقدم التصنيف RB السعر الإجمالي 290 ألف دينار 39993932 عبدالفتاح حسن مسار المستقبل للعقارات مطلوب جميع العقارات من المالك مبا (...)

290,000 دينار
المنامة1,224 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 6 شهور

للبيع أرض في صدد تقع خلف أسواق الحلي التصنيف RA المساحة 301.9 مترمربع المطلوب 28.618 دينار للقدم السعر الإجمالي 93 ألف دينار 39993932 عبدالفتاح حسن مسار المستقبل للعقارات مطلوب جميع العقارات من المالك مباشرة. @masar.bh @ (...)

93,000 دينار
المنامة301 متر
اراضي للبيع
منذ 9 شهور

Residential RA Land for Sale in Maqabha, Saar BD.29/- per foot This residential land is located in Maqabah, Saar area, land area is 451.1 sqm , classified as RA , suitable for Residential Villa. Easy access to Al Osra, B (...)

29 دينار
المنامة451 متر

وكباحث بين إعلانات هذا القسم وتريد الحصول على نتائج مماثلة لنوع وشكل بحثك بشكل أو بآخر ننصحك باستخدام خاصية "فلترة البحث" لتحدّد فيها ما تشاء من مواصفات تناسبك بدءاً بالنوع تحديد نوع الأرض أو المزرعة من خيا ر"مخصصة لـ" : سكنية، تجارية، زراعية، الاستخدامات المتعددة، صناعية، أخرى. والمساحة الارض بالمتر - هكتار - فدان و دنم وانتهاءً بالسعر