تعليم و تدريب في المنامة

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تسجيل جامعات و معاهد دورات و مراكز لغات دروس خصوصي دورات تدريب و مهارات مدارس و حضانات
الرفاع المحافظة الجنوبية المحافظة الشمالية المحرق المنامة محافظة الوسطى

Are you looking for a nurturing and educational environment for your little one? Look no further! Our preschool classes in Guadibiya are designed to equip kids with essential skills like writing, reading, and interactive (...)

Looking for a reliable and experienced babysitting service in Gudaibiya? Look no further! The perfect babysitting service is available at Gudaibiya. Here are some reasons why you should choose our babysitting service: SU (...)

Open consistent international communication and encourage business development with our top-level business language translation services in Bahrain. Our expert interpreters have a profound understanding of business termi (...)

Open consistent communication overall with our top-level online translation services. Whether youre a worldwide business venturing into new business sectors or an individual connecting language obstructions, our foundati (...)

مدرس رياضيات لطلاب المدارس الخاصة والجامعات/ 36336711

دروس خصوصي
منذ شهران

تدريس رياضيات و علوم الكيمياء خبرة سنتين

دروس خصوصي
منذ شهران

مدرس رياضيات لتدريس جميع مقراات الرياضيات لطلبة وطالبات الجامعات وكل مقررات ال CALCULS + STAT+ MATH للتواصل 36222128

دروس خصوصي
منذ 3 شهور

مدرس رياضيات لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية والجامعية للمدارس الخاصة والحكومية رقم التواصل 36336711

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful business relationship. When businesses can communicate seamlessly with their global counterparts, it fosters trust, promotes collaboration, and opens up new opp (...)

One of the key aspects of cultural competence is having a deep understanding of the target audience and their cultural background. Language is deeply intertwined with culture, and a skilled translator should be able to b (...)

دروس خصوصي
منذ 6 شهور

خريجة لغة انجليزية. مستعدة لتدريس اللغة الانجليزية لجميع المراحل الدراسية باسعار رمزية.

دروس خصوصي
منذ 6 شهور

مدرس خصوصي رياضيات متخصص لتدريس جميع مقررات الرياضيات لجميع المراحل التواصل 34107879

دروس خصوصي
منذ 6 شهور

أدرس علم الادوية والسموم والعلوم الصيدلية للمرحلة الجامعية ومادتي الكيمياء والاحياء للمرحلة الثانوية

دروس خصوصي
منذ 7 شهور

مدرس رياضيات مصري لتدريس الرياضيات لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية وطلاب المدارس الخاصة باللغة الإنجليزية

دروس خصوصي
منذ 7 شهور

مدرس فيزياء وكيمياء مصري لتدريس الفيزياء والكيمياء لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية وطلاب المدارس الخاصة باللغة الإنجليزية وتدريس طلاب جامعة البحرين مقررات physics101-physics102-physics111-physics 106 - circuit1-chemistry 101- che (...)

دروس خصوصي
منذ 8 شهور

Native speaker with over 18 years of experience in teaching kids and adults. 10 Lessons 15 BD 20 Lessons 250 BD

Language translation services play a pivotal role in our interconnected world, facilitating effective communication and understanding across diverse cultures and languages. These services encompass the translation of wri (...)

One of the key aspects of cultural competence is having a deep understanding of the target audience and their cultural background. Language is deeply intertwined with culture, and a skilled translator should be able to b (...)

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful business relationship. When businesses can communicate seamlessly with their global counterparts, it fosters trust, promotes collaboration, and opens up new opp (...)

In our increasingly connected world, where businesses and individuals interact across borders, language barriers can be a significant obstacle to effective communication. Whether you are a multinational corporation, a sm (...)

دروس خصوصي
منذ 10 شهور

مدرس رياضيات لطلاب الجامعات والمدارس الخاصة التواصل / 36336711

1. Improved communication with customers One of the most significant advantages of website translation services in Bahrain is the improved communication with customers. When businesses communicate with their customers in (...)

Whether you are a multinational company that needs to communicate with its stakeholders in other countries, or an individual seeking to reach out to others, you will find that language translation services are essential. (...)

In addition to translating documents, Business language translation services Bahrain can help businesses communicate effectively with their target audience. These services include website localization, software localizat (...)