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- إعلانات البحرين
- المنامة
- شركات و مصانع
- شركات و أعمال للبيع
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services Import and resale of industrial laundry machines Marble polishing Construction and maintenance services Real Estate Import and export of chemicals and electrical equipment 30,000 kilograms of clothes per day (30 tons) , 24 hours per day, 365 days a year fully automated daily / monthly invoicing and Billing system back office applications The Company was originally registered with the Ministry of Commerce on 08 November 1992. The Laundry business however was registered and started on 30 March 2004. Through its innovative approach in business, the company now enjoys the trust of reputable 5 star hotels, fully furnished apartments, ministries, fine dining restaurants and others. The company is officially accredited by the Ministry of Labor to conduct training in the use and maintenance of industrial laundry machines. It has installed and maintained industrial capacity laundry machines in reputable hotels in Bahrain. Locations of Businesses Hidd Industrial Area Tel. No. 39455399 / 37755443