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- HP EliteBook 850 G3 Core i7-6th Generation
HP EliteBook 850 G3 Core i7-6th Generation
نشر بتاريخ 2024-03-13 6:06 PM

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HP EliteBook 850 G3 Core i7-6th Generation Wholesale & Retail Bulk Quantity Available 3 Months Warranty Free Delivery All Over Bahrain Specifications: - Brand: HP - Model: EliteBook 850 G3 - Processor: Core i7-6th Generation - RAM: 16GB DDR-4 - SSD: 256GB - 15.6 Screen Price: - Bahrain (BD): 99 - Saudi Arabia (SAR): 990 For more information, message us on WhatsApp: +973 38859641 Location: RAZA SONS FOR TRADING COMPANY W.L.L Google Map Location: https://goo.gl/maps/Ry5hPLPqgZ5Lk45m6 Website: https://rscomgcc.wixsite.com/razasonsgcc Instagram: https://instagram.com/raza_sons_wll?r=nametag Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092165325864... Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@RazaSonsTradingCoW.L.L... Contact us at: +973 38859641 #Computer #Laptops #Desktops #iMac #Macbook #Dell #HP #Lenovo #Latitude #UsedLaptops #UsedComputers #UsedMobiles #UsedScreens #RazaSons #38859641 د.ب.99 المنامة HP EliteBook 850 G3 Core i7-6th Generation Mark Out of Stock Like Comment Share