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- Food Processing with Freezer facility in Ras Zuwaid
Food Processing with Freezer facility in Ras Zuwaid
نشر بتاريخ 2023-10-14 4:50 AM

2,000 دينار قابل للتفاوض
هذا الإعلان منتهي الصلاحية شاهد إعلانات مماثلة
المساحة:820 متر
نوع العقار:مصنع
Food Processing with Freezer facility in Ras Zuwaid BD.2000/- This food factory space having 410 sqm of ground level and mezzanine, consist of offices, store, 4 unites of freezer, packing area, 4 bath room, dress changing area etc. truck and trailers access, high power EWA, can use any CR, easy access to ALBA, BAPO, Sitra highway. Rent is BD.2000/- Negotiable. Istanbul Real Estate WLL 66000009 39777724 #bh #bhfyp #bahrain #realestate #realtor #commercial #industrial #investment #warehouse #workshop #factory #foodindustry #import #export #askar #raszuwaid #business #startup #expat #saudiarabia #ksa #kuwait #dubai #qatar #gcc #alba #bapco #aramco #teambh #istanbulrealestate