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- For Sale a running ladies salon business in Riffa Al-Hajiyat
For Sale a running ladies salon business in Riffa Al-Hajiyat
نشر بتاريخ 2023-07-24 5:41 PM

7,500 دينار قابل للتفاوض
For Sale a running ladies salon business in Riffa Al-Hajiyat, Bahrain with all the equipment, CR, and staff. The salon is in a highly active and excellent location, with a good reputation. It provides ample parking space for customers on the main street & Ground. The salon consists of a private room for waxing, facials, and massages, along with a separate room for drying and makeup. Theres also a designated area for manicures and pedicures. the salon comes with an Instagram account Additionally, the place is equipped with surveillance cameras and a dedicated staff kitchen. The reason for selling is the owners final departure. The selling price is only 7,500 BHD and the current rent for the shop is only 200 BHD. For inquiries and communication: Call or WhatsApp: 35958262 Dreamzone for Selling, Buying, and Managing businesses https://www.instagram.com/dreamzone_business4sale/