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- Shop and Showroom for rent in Muharraq
Shop and Showroom for rent in Muharraq
نشر بتاريخ 2022-06-07 11:03 AM

80 دينار قابل للتفاوض
هذا الإعلان منتهي الصلاحية شاهد إعلانات مماثلة
المساحة:80 متر
نوع العقار:محلات / معارض
1# Shop for rent in Muharraq Hala. The required rent is 80 Bhd. 2# Two shops for rent in Muharraq. The required rent is 100 Bhd each. 3# Shop for rent at the end of Muharraq Souq. The required rent is 100 Bhd. 4# Showroom for rent at the end of Muharraq Souq. The required rent is 230 Bhd. 5# Showroom for rent at the end of Muharraq Souq. The required rent is 220 Bhd. 6# Showroom for rent at the end of Muharraq Souq. The required rent is 200 Bhd. For inquiries and inspection, call 39040101 or via the WhatsApp link https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=97339040101.